Monday, December 9, 2019

Chart for Episodes 7 and 8

Dual chart for Episodes 7 and 8 (please indicate which episode you are working on)    

 The KYLO REN chart
This is much like the chart you did for Anakin in episodes 2 and 3; as we watch the film, please take specific note of Kylo Ren’s behaviors.  When you indicate an issue, make sure to illustrate (provide the specifics).
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Sociopathy / Psychopathy

Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
Exaggerate achievements and talents
Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
Take advantage of others to get what they want
Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
Be envious of others and believe others envy them
Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office
Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation
Self-esteem is tied to personal gain, power, and pleasure, and marked ego-centric behaviors

Absence of social conformity to the law or other culturally accepted norms, and, goal setting is based on personal gain and gratification.

Lack of empathy- no concern for the feelings, wants, and needs of others, no remorse after harming others

Lack of intimacy - inability to maintain a mutual intimate relationship, relationships are used for personal gain, deceitfulness, coercion, dominance, and intimidation are used to control others.

Impairment of personality and trait expression is stable across situations and over time.

Persistent pathological personality traits:
Manipulative - frequent use of deceit, subterfuge, charm, seduction, and ingratiation to achieve personal goals.

Deceitful - lies and fraudulent representation of self, embellishment and lying when relating events.

Callous - cold, uncaring, and indifferent to the feelings of others, lack of remorse for the hurt they cause to others, aggressive and sadistic.

Hostile - aggressive and angry at perceived slights and insults, vengeful and mean.

Irresponsible - failure to honor obligations, lack of respect for promises made and agreements.

Impulsive - acts on momentary stimulus, no planning, inability to plan.

Risk Behavior - denies personal danger, engages in dangerous activity to one's self and others, engages in risk behaviors to stave off boredom.

Kylo Ren (Ben Solo)

Traits seen in film:
(please use bullet points)
Corresponding scene(s):

Kylo Ren (Ben Solo)

Traits seen in film:
(please use bullet points)
Corresponding scene(s):

The HERO CHART for Rey
This works the same as all the others: USE SPECIFIC AND RELEVANT EVIDENCE when you fill this chart out.

The Departure
Call to Adventure:   How does the character receive the call to adventure?

Refusal of the Call: Does the character accept the call immediately?  What are the hero’s circumstances?

Answering the Call: What motivates the character to accept the call?

Supernatural Aid:  who or what helps the hero on his journey?  Why?

Guide/Mentor: Is there a specific character that helps the hero understand the life situation or provides the hero with special training?  What training do they provide?

Talisman: Is there a particular item that has special significance to the hero?  Explain the significance.

Companions: Who is with the hero on his journey? How do these companions help the hero face the challenges?

Crossing the Threshold: At what point in the story does the hero leave the familiar world and move into a new, unfamiliar circumstance?

Threshold Guardians: Are there characters that try to prevent the hero from crossing over into the unfamiliar territory or circumstance?


Road of Trials: What specific challenges does the hero face (these are all the MAJOR PLOT POINTS)?  How does the hero face them (How does his character change as a result of these plot points?)

Brother Battle: Does the hero battle physically or mentally with someone who is a relative or close friend?  What is the outcome of this battle?

 Meeting with the Goddess: Does the hero meet with a character with special beauty and power?

Abduction:  Is the character kidnapped, or is someone close to the hero kidnapped?

Night or Sea Journey: Where do the hero’s travels take him (a flow chart of places)?

Dragon Battle: Does the hero battle some kind of monster? Does the hero have to face some inner demon?  DESCRIBE THEM.

Ritual Death or Dismemberment: Is the hero injured and thought to be dead? Does the hero mistakenly believe someone close to him is dead? Does the hero suffer an injury in which he loses a limb or use of some other body part?

Sacred Marriage: Does the hero have a special emotional bond (it could literally be a marriage) with another character?

Atonement (“at one with”) with or Recognition by the Father: Is the hero reunited with his father in some way?

Entering the Belly of the Whale: Is there some point in the story where the hero must face his deepest fear or the darkest evil in the story?  Describe it and discuss HOW it effects the hero.

 Apotheosis (Deification): Is there a point in the story where the hero is held up as an ideal or where the hero is worshipped as a god?

Ultimate Boon / Magic Elixir: Does the hero find some special solution to the problem he is attempting to resolve? This might be a magic potion or a key to something.

The Return

Refusal of the Return: Does the hero initially refuse to return to the homeland or the place that he began the journey?

Magic Flight / Pursuit: Is there some point (generally toward the end) where the hero is being chased or is otherwise trying to escape something?

Rescue from Without: Is there some point in the story when all seems hopeless, when it looks like the hero is going to die—then suddenly he is rescued unexpectedly?

Master of Two Worlds: Does it appear that the hero has conquered life in both the familiar and unfamiliar worlds?
Freedom to Live: Since the hero typically begins the journey to resolve a problem, does it appear the problem is at last resolved so that all can live freely?

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